Daddy’s birthday

Today was daddy’s birthday! We woke up early to get the cards ready. When he woke up he opened his cards and then we had chocolate croissants for breakfast.

Then we went to the Apple store and I drew massive hair and ears and lasers on a photo of daddy! Martha drew things on a picture of mummy. We also learned to do other cool effects.

For lunch I ate from KFC, daddy ate rice, Martha ate from Burger King and mummy ate curry. Then we went downstairs and bought some tennis balls and then played tennis.

After tennis we went home and had chocolate fudge cake and then blackberry pie and blackberry jam tarts after tea.

Lots of parks

We caught the SkyTrain to Science World but decided it would be cheaper to go on Tuesday so we instead walked around False Creek. We went to a lot of parks (about 5) before we got most of the way round.

We walked to Yaletown and saw where daddy used to live (Cambie Street). We also saw an old steam train. It was very hot and we walked a long way.

We ended the day picking blackberries at the park next to our house so mummy could make a pie and jam tarts!

History of the past

Today we went to the Burnaby Village Museum. We went to an old house who’s first owner was called Martha. They moved the house from down the road on a big truck to where it is now.

We rode on the carousel and it was really fast and my horse was called ‘John Ernest’ and Sam’s horse was called ‘Scampering Dawn’. Sam’s horse had flowers on it and my horse was brown.

We went to an old tram station and we went on board and I rang the bell.

Then we went to an ice cream parlour and we had a massive ice cream. Sam’s ice cream was cotton candy flavour and mine was chocolate.

We also went to some old shops like a barber, doctor, black smith, cinema, general store, bank and a music store.

I also played a big game of snakes and ladders and I won.

A lot of people came from China to Canada. Some of them grew and sold vegetables and had shops. They weren’t allowed to do their own jobs.

Sphero Robots

Today we went to the Apple store and we programmed some Sphero robots to:

  • roll
  • turn
  • come back
  • stop

I coded my robot to set off from a yellow spot to go around a chair and then come back exactly to the spot it started on. It was fun because we got to use an iPad to control it.

Martha and her Sphero
Sam and his Sphero

Tennis and restaurants

Today I played tennis and daddy got some new tennis balls so we played tennis with them. It was hot and I played tennis with Sam.

Hello to my tennis friends at Skipton Tennis Centre! I love my lessons there so am practising for when I get back.

It was funny when I hit daddy with the tennis ball.

Next we went to the nearby shopping centre and I got an ice cream and Sam got some cotton candy mini melts ice cream.

For tea we went out with my family from Vancouver and we went out to a restaurant and I had rice and soy sauce.

Evening meal with family

Dinosaurs and Unicorns

Here are Sam and Martha’s videos from Microsoft’s STEM event “Camp Know Where: Strange-ify Your World” that they attended today.

Sam’s video
Martha’s video

They were using Surface Pros and Surface Pens, 3D models from the (soon to be retired) website, the ‘Mixed Reality’ functionality in the ‘Paint 3D’ app and the ‘Photos’ app to create effects and videos from photos.