Queen Elizabeth Park

Today we went to Queen Elizabeth Park and had a very nice lunch with my aunties and uncle. The park is the highest point in Vancouver and “makes for spectacular views of the park, city, and mountains on the North Shore”.

It was drizzling – the first bit of rain we’ve seen for over 3 weeks – so the views weren’t that clear but still pretty good.

We were practicing some of our Apple photo workshop skills with some of the photos below.

Stanley Park

Today we hired some bikes and rode 9km around Stanley Park. Me and daddy got a tandem bike, Martha got her own bike and mummy did as well.

On the way we saw a sea lion (or seal) on a rock and lots of totem poles. We also went to the beach and found lots of crab shells and crab claws.

Martha went in a cold water play area. Then we went to a cold swimming pool. It was meant to be heated but it was actually freezing. (Note from parents: it wasn’t actually that cold, we’ve been in much colder!)

Then we finally got back to the bike shop, handed them in and went home.

Grouse Mountain and the Grouse Grind

Today we (me and Daddy) walked up Grouse Mountain! The walk is called the Grouse Grind.

We didn’t see many people when we were going up, but we saw lots of signs. For the first quarter it wasn’t very steep but the next bit to the top was way steeper. It was nice and cool in the woods. We also saw a massive black bird chirping loudly on a high branch.

I enjoyed the walk because it wasn’t busy and noisy but it was quite hard. It took us 1 hour and 32 minutes.

When we got to the top of the path we walked a bit more then went on a chairlift to the actual peak of the mountain. There we took lots of pictures of the view and had a rest.

We also saw a massive wind turbine, some bears and a lumberjack show. We also watched some films in a cinema about bears, wildlife and wolves.

Then we went down on the gondola to the bottom of the mountain with mummy and Martha.

Grouse Mountain

Today me and Mummy went up Grouse Mountain on a gondola and we could see the great view from the top. First I went on the kids canopy play area and I could run on nets in the trees.

Next we went to see the lumberjack show and we saw them climb a sixty foot tree! They also balanced on a log and they fell into the water and they cut wood and made a chair.

We also went to see the bears ‘Coola’ and ‘Grinder’. We took pictures of the bears and we went to the bear lookout and I got a bear cookie. Also we saw the bears being fed carrots and apples.

I went on the chairlift up to the top and I saw the view from the top. Then I went back down to the middle bit of the mountain.

I played on the kids canopy adventure playground again and I tried chasing Sam around but we kept getting caught on the nets and stuff.

Then we got the gondola back down to the bottom of the mountain.

Science World

In the evening we went to Science World. It was really fun because there were lots of cool inventions and machines and things to play with like the plasma ball, the mirror maze and long tubes where if you put a light ball in at the bottom, it would get blown up a maze of tubes and would come out of a tube at the top which we would try to catch.

We went at least two times in the mirror maze because it was so good. It looked like there was a long passage in front of us but it was actually a mirror reflection of another mirror and we bumped into lots of mirrors.

After that we went outside and played in the play area and after that we went back inside and went on a giant hamster wheel.

Museum of Vancouver

We left home to get the bus, and then got the SkyTrain and then got another bus. We finally arrived at the Museum of Vancouver!

I liked going into a room that had a camera which showed what an owl saw in the dark and we saw it on a screen. I also like the old Vancouver hairdressers room.

We designed our own Haida style bowl. Mine looked like this:

After that we went to a small beach and I dug a big hole. Me and Martha found clam shells and smooth glass.

Then we got a boat to the other side of the bay and then went home.

πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ Pride Parade πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Today we went to the Pride Parade. This is a colourful party where people can dress up in whatever they want and there were lots of motorbikes at the start.

We saw lots of floats and we heard lots of music. People were dressed in colourful outfits and there were lots of rainbow flags. Lots of men were dressed up as women and people were on roller blades whilst playing hockey.

Lots of people gave us…

  1. tattoos
  2. stickers
  3. badges
  4. sweets
  5. flags
  6. fans
  7. necklaces
  8. whistles
  9. hair braids
  11. beach balls
  12. lollies

(Note from Mike – bonus point to anyone who can tell me who the guy in the 7th picture is…)