Mid-level escalators and the Botanical Gardens

We got the train to Central and then walked to the Mid-level escalators and went up them. These are the longest outdoor covered escalator system in the world.

They take people to work downwards in the morning and they change direction at around 10AM to go upwards.

After that we walked to the Botanical Gardens and saw some animals, birds and flowers.


Today we went to Superpark which is a massive play area.

There were trampolines, slides, a baseball game, an automatic RoboKeeper, another football game, a trampoline video game, a climbing wall, a ninja track, a basketball and throwing game, a skate park where I rode on a scooter and Martha went on a skateboard, a tube slide (where you slide on a big ring down a steep slope) and lots more.

The RoboKeeper was really good and it saved most of my shots and penalties.

On one of the trampolines you could jump off into a foam pit. A boy lost his glasses in there. They found a smelly sock at the bottom when they were looking for the glasses!

I enjoyed the trampolines because there was a TV screen that recorded you trying to hit ducks to get points.

On a break, I was eating a chewy sweet and my tooth came out! When I got home I put it under my pillow and in the morning I got a $5 coin (about 50p).

Hong Kong Science Museum (part 1)

Today we went to the Science Museum. We looked at some funny mirrors and did lots of puzzles and watched the energy machine.

We also played in the construction area and made a track with loop the loops. This was part of our roller coaster school home learning topic. It took us a few goes to get the right combination of loops and drops to get the ball to the end. We have been learning about inertia, gravity and acceleration forces.

Tea with family, Times Square

In the evening we went out for tea in Times Square in Causeway Bay with daddy’s cousin David, his mum, ma-ma (our grandma), ye-ye (our grandad), ma-ma’s brother’s daughter (Michelle) and her son Marco.

We had lots of food and I practised using chopsticks. The restaurant was high up and Sam took pictures of the buildings in the street.

Avenue of Stars, Victoria Harbour

Daddy’s cousin David came to our flat and then we got the train to Tsim Sha Tsui where we had lunch in a Chinese restaurant.

Afterwards we went to the harbour and saw some skate boarders and then saw some hand prints along the Avenue of Stars.

We also got asked by some Chinese students to solve some riddles. We got some lanterns as a prize for solving them all.

Mid-Autumn Festival

I was able to head down to Victoria Park near our apartment tonight to see lanterns and lights as part of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, which is a full moon. This corresponds to this day on this year according to the Gregorian Calendar.

I’ve always known it as ‘Moon Cake Day’ as this was when as children we used to eat ‘mooncakes’ which are rich pastry cakes typically filled with sweet-bean or lotus-seed paste.