History of the past

Today we went to the Burnaby Village Museum. We went to an old house who’s first owner was called Martha. They moved the house from down the road on a big truck to where it is now.

We rode on the carousel and it was really fast and my horse was called ‘John Ernest’ and Sam’s horse was called ‘Scampering Dawn’. Sam’s horse had flowers on it and my horse was brown.

We went to an old tram station and we went on board and I rang the bell.

Then we went to an ice cream parlour and we had a massive ice cream. Sam’s ice cream was cotton candy flavour and mine was chocolate.

We also went to some old shops like a barber, doctor, black smith, cinema, general store, bank and a music store.

I also played a big game of snakes and ladders and I won.

A lot of people came from China to Canada. Some of them grew and sold vegetables and had shops. They weren’t allowed to do their own jobs.