Grouse Mountain

Today me and Mummy went up Grouse Mountain on a gondola and we could see the great view from the top. First I went on the kids canopy play area and I could run on nets in the trees.

Next we went to see the lumberjack show and we saw them climb a sixty foot tree! They also balanced on a log and they fell into the water and they cut wood and made a chair.

We also went to see the bears ‘Coola’ and ‘Grinder’. We took pictures of the bears and we went to the bear lookout and I got a bear cookie. Also we saw the bears being fed carrots and apples.

I went on the chairlift up to the top and I saw the view from the top. Then I went back down to the middle bit of the mountain.

I played on the kids canopy adventure playground again and I tried chasing Sam around but we kept getting caught on the nets and stuff.

Then we got the gondola back down to the bottom of the mountain.