Goodbye Australia

It’s time to leave Australia (again) and continue on our journey. We’ve had a great time catching up with friends and enjoying the warm weather and the beaches. We started on the West Coast and then crossed the continent to spend Christmas on the East Coast. We left Australia for a month and then returned for 2 weeks.

When we returned to Australia and arrived in Sydney, the rain was torrential. However we were pleased that it was raining. Sydney’s heaviest rains in 30 years had helped extinguished many of the fires that had been raging for the past few months. It had also helped replenish water supplies after years of drought.

I liked swimming in the sea in M00loolaba because the water was warm and there were huge waves. It was the first time I had swam in deep sea. I also enjoyed my surfing lesson and my birthday party in Perth and Christmas on the beach.


I liked sandboarding on the sand dunes and the surfing lesson. I enjoyed seeing my friend in Perth and swimming in the sea on the Sunshine Coast.


I enjoyed catching up with friends in Perth and Bondi Beach. I loved Lancelin Lodge YHA on the West Coast. The Sunshine Coast beaches were gorgeous and the Australian Open was a great experience.


It was great returning to Australia after so many years. The East Coast was beautiful, as was the West but in a different way. It was good to see Melbourne again. And we had such a relaxing time staying in Bondi, despite the rains.


Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge

Today we caught a bus then a train then a bus to Circular Quay. Then we walked up to the Sydney Harbour Bridge and then we walked across it. We got good pictures and views of the Opera House. Then we walked back across the bridge and to the Sydney Opera House. It was big and looked like shells. We took lots of pictures. Then we had an ice cream and we walked to the bus stop and got the bus and the train and the bus home.

After tea we walked to the beach and played there until it got dark.

Bondi Beach

After 2 days of heavy rain the weather cleared and we went down to Bondi Beach. The strong tide had washed sand up on to the promenade. The sea was still very rough and the water was a bit chilly but that didn’t stop the many surfers enjoying the waves.

Bondi, Sydney

Yesterday we left Melbourne and flew to Sydney. The flight was 3 hours. When we got there it was tipping it down. It rained all night and put out a third of the bushfires.

Today we went down to Bondi Beach to meet mummy’s friend Helen. It rained all night and most of the day. Me and mummy met Helen in Perth. I had a choc chip flavoured ice cream. We walked along the beach to North Bondi and we played in a play area but it rained so we walked home.

St. Kilda

Today we went to St. Kilda and played and had a picnic on the beach. Then we went to see Luna Park but it was closed so we couldn’t go in. Next we walked along a long pier and saw moulting penguins. Then we walked to an adventure playground and played on a trampoline.