Museum of Vancouver

We left home to get the bus, and then got the SkyTrain and then got another bus. We finally arrived at the Museum of Vancouver!

I liked going into a room that had a camera which showed what an owl saw in the dark and we saw it on a screen. I also like the old Vancouver hairdressers room.

We designed our own Haida style bowl. Mine looked like this:

After that we went to a small beach and I dug a big hole. Me and Martha found clam shells and smooth glass.

Then we got a boat to the other side of the bay and then went home.

Daddy’s birthday

Today was daddy’s birthday! We woke up early to get the cards ready. When he woke up he opened his cards and then we had chocolate croissants for breakfast.

Then we went to the Apple store and I drew massive hair and ears and lasers on a photo of daddy! Martha drew things on a picture of mummy. We also learned to do other cool effects.

For lunch I ate from KFC, daddy ate rice, Martha ate from Burger King and mummy ate curry. Then we went downstairs and bought some tennis balls and then played tennis.

After tennis we went home and had chocolate fudge cake and then blackberry pie and blackberry jam tarts after tea.

Lots of parks

We caught the SkyTrain to Science World but decided it would be cheaper to go on Tuesday so we instead walked around False Creek. We went to a lot of parks (about 5) before we got most of the way round.

We walked to Yaletown and saw where daddy used to live (Cambie Street). We also saw an old steam train. It was very hot and we walked a long way.

We ended the day picking blackberries at the park next to our house so mummy could make a pie and jam tarts!

Granville Island

Today we went to Granville Island. First we went to the Kids Market and there were lots of cool but expensive toys! After the market we went to a freezing water park. I played with a hose and squirted Martha and some other people. Even though it was freezing we still had a good time because it was sunny. We also went down a water slide. That was cold too.

After that we went inside a food market and we bought some cherries, meat lasagne and cookies for tea. They were very nice!

(Note from Mike: I remember visiting Granville Island when I lived in Vancouver 14 years or so ago and loved the Public Market which has some great food sellers. I used to come across via the Aquabus from Hornby as my apartment was close to there. It’s also has a very arty vibe with lots of craft studios and artisan workshops. It’s a great place to visit and was good to come back.)

Emoji day 🤣

In the morning we went for a walk in Deer Lake Park which is near our house.

In the afternoon we went to the nearby shopping centre and created our own emoji at the Apple Store. I created this emoji:

It was great!

We also met daddy’s cousin and had a smoothie.

Goodbye Québec, hello Vancouver!

We got up very early (3am) to go to the airport to catch a plane to Calgary and then a shorter plane journey to Vancouver. On the journey to Calgary I ate biscuits, lots of pretzels and orange juice.

When we got to Vancouver we got a taxi from the airport to our new home in Burnaby, Vancouver. We watched “Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie” and then went to bed.

Québec City

We left Niagara, went back to Toronto and then flew to Québec City. We walked along the city walls and climbed on the cannons. Most people that we met spoke French and English. We saw some people dressed up in old soldiers costumes and one of them had a musket which he fired.