
Today we went up a mountain on a gondola and when we got to the top we could see the whole of Queenstown and Lake Wakatipu.

We went on a luge which is like going on a kart down a steep hill and skidding when turning. There were lots of steep turns and high drops and a tunnel. There was a red track and a blue track.

We also saw para gliders and I bought candy floss flavoured jelly beans at the shop and Martha bought orange flavoured jelly beans. Then we went to ‘Devil Burger’ for lunch and played by the lake.

At 6.15pm we got the shuttle bus back to the holiday park. Daddy cooked some chicken on the BBQ. It was nice 🙂

This day was FUN!!

Surfing and chocolate

Today we went to Smiths Beach and had a surfing lesson. It was very fun and on our first try we stood up! We got very good at it. We fell in multiple times. The waves were really big and strong. After that we went body boarding.

Afterwards we went to a chocolate factory! We ate loads of free chocolate! There was milk, white and dark chocolate. We liked the milk chocolate best.

Valley of the Giants tree top walk

In the morning mummy, Martha and I did a walk called the Coalmine Beach Heritage Trail. In the 1930s settlers came to live in this area and would have walked this way to the beach to go fishing.

Then we drove to the Valley of the Giants and did a tree top walk. It was built to protect the tingle trees roots. The walk went up to 40m! The trees were giant. It was sometimes windy so we had to take our caps off. We walked along a metal track and platforms. We did it twice.

We then did a small tour of the forest. We saw lots of big trees. Some had holes in them caused by fires.

The Pinnacles

Today we went to the Pinnacles Desert. It was hot and quite windy and the sand was yellow/orange. There were pointy rocks and rocks of all shapes and sizes. They were fragile and delicate and could have been a petrified forest.

We also saw an emu walking around and a lizard!

On the way home we stopped at a lake which had thrombolites. They are organisms that are estimated to be over 3000 years old.