Greymouth Beach

Today we went to the beach and built a teepee. We made it out of big sticks and hay. It was really hot. Then mummy came and then we went to have tea. Then we came back and watched the sunset with hot chocolate and marshmallows!

The circus

Tonight we went to the Zirka Circus. We saw…

  • men with hats doing gymnastics
  • trapeze
  • flips
  • rollerskating around vases
  • people on silks hanging and they twirled around
  • 10 people on a bike
  • 4 people on motorbikes going around a steel ball
  • a dog

Sam and I got on stage. I got on top of a human pyramid and Sam did skipping.

Queenstown to Wanaka

Today we left Queenstown and drove to Arrowtown. We saw where Chinese miners lived when they were mining for gold. We also had a chocolate ice cream which was very nice.

We carried on driving and stopped at Cromwell for lunch. We went to a park and a play area and played in the sand and water.

We then drove on to Wanaka. We had sausages for tea. We then walked along the lake. When we got back to our holiday park it was really late.